For a downloadable version of this form, click here. Star2Star Customer Phone System Survey The Star2Star Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a complex addition to the customer local network infrastructure at each installed location. Gathering this information is a critical part of the installation. In order to ensure that the customer installation is completed properly, the following questions need to be answered prior to the Star2Star system design and installation. Any concerns should be addressed as quickly as possible to the make sure that the installation is performed correctly. Please note that failure to provide complete and accurate answers to all the questions could result in additional costs to the customer for the installation. General Installation Location Survey conducted by Date Where will the StarBox be installed? Company name Street address Suite/Floor Time Zone EasternCentralMountainPacific City, State, ZIP Phone Number Fax Number How many locations will be installed, one or multiple? OneMultiple If multiple, how many sites? Note: If multiple locations have been indicated, a stie survey will be required for each site to ensure proper installation. Customer Business Contact Information (2 Required) Customer Business Contact / Installation Coordinator Information Contact 1 Name Cell Phone Number After Hours Home/Cell Phone Number Email Address Customer Secondary Contact Information Contact 2 Name Cell Phone Number After Hours Home/Cell Phone Number Email Address Company MIS/IT/Network Contact Who will be responsible for the Customer's IT/Network requirements at the customer site? (Fill in completely) IT Company Name IT Contact Name IT Office Phone Number Contact Cell Phone Number IT Contact Email Address Receptionist or Automated Attendant Will a receptionist or Automated Attendant be answered the main inbound line? ReceptionistAutomated Attendant If being answered by the receptionist and they miss the call (not answered in 4 rings), how will the call be handled? Should the call go to a voicemail box or auto attendant? If a main line goes to an Automated Attendant, complete the following: If the caller Dials "O" for Operator, what extension or extension group do you want the call to go to? When an incoming call is put on hold, MoH (Music on Hold) will be played by default. Turn off? YesNo When no response is received by the caller, failover to what place/location? Auto Attendants & Menus If the customer is using 1 or many Auto Attendants to answer their calls, fill in the following section with the menu choices Extension & Dialing Plans How many digits is the customer currently using for their extensions? How many office sites does the customer currently have? Does the customer require maintaining their current extension plan? YesNo Will the customer be using the S2S standard Location Code and 3-Digit Extensions? YesNo Will the customer be using the Flexible Dial Plan? YesNo Ring Groups Will the customer require the use of ring groups? YesNo If so, please list ring group names and each group's ring order Failover location if not answered? Queues (Hunting) Will the customer require the use of call queueing? YesNo If so, please list queue names and each queue's order Failover location if not answered? Recordings (Directions, Location Info, Non-Auto Attendant) What recordings will the customer want and will they require individual recordings to be used with call flow or auto attendants? Conference Rooms (Individual) Does the customer currently have any individual (built in) conference lines? YesNo Star2Star offers individual Audio Only Conference Rooms, would you like this to be enabled for your users? YesNo Paging Requirements Note: Customers may have existing overhead paging Is an overhead pager currently in use at the customer's site? YesNo List all paging equipment currently being used (list by make/model) Note: Customers may have existing internal Paging Groups (Page groups work on a per site basis) Will the customer use page groups (though the phones)? YesNo Please identify groups and phones to receive page Voicemail & Voicemail Groups Each Voice Message received can be sent via Email to each user. We need information about your current email services. Will the customer be using Voicemail to Email notification for your users? YesNo Does the customer want Voicemail WAV files sent to each employee via email? YesNo Will you be using Voicemail groups? YesNo If yes, please list the groups and extensions to be included in those groups below Extensions, Employee Names, & Phone Models NOTE: Each phone carries a primary user extension Provide below, the information concerning each user (or attach their extension directory list in an excel spread sheet). Please include their extension number, user name, email address, and phone model Find-Me/Follow-Me (Call routing rules) Find-Me / Follow-Me rules enables a call to be sent a single or multiple locations along with or after the initial call with the following options: Follow Me (Immediate) – Calls to your extension will be sent automatically to the number you define. Find Me (Sequential) – Calls to your extension will ring your extension and any other numbers that you define in order. Find Me (All) – Calls to your extension will ring your extension and any other numbers that you define all at once. List or attach Find-Me/Follow me rules by user name, type, and numbers to forward the calls to Remote E911 Location Information (Critical) Any phone not located at the location of the StarBox must be registered by law for E911 services. The following information is required for this service. Please list or attach additional customer site location information for E911 services (give extensions to be listed, extension name, address information, floor/suite/unit #, city, state zip) StarFax Users (If Ordered) Please list StarFax number(s), name of employee for this service (First/Last Name as it will appear on cover page), and primary SMTP email address of the registered employee as sent by their email client. You may attach a spreadsheet with this information. Star2Star Application Framework (If Ordered) List the users who should be issued the computer based application framework (give extension number, full name, and primary SMTP email address). You may attach a spreadsheet with this information. StarCenter (ACD) (optional purchase) List the names of the queues that will be required in the StarCenter ACD System List the names of the Agents that will be required in the StarCenter ACD System, their ACD extension number, and which queues they belong to Call Detail Records (CDR) Star2Star offers the option to view and download the Call Detail Records of their phone system. Please list the customer contacts that would like to have access to this information Customer Employee Name 1 Office Phone Number Email Address Customer Employee Name 2 Office Phone Number Email Address Disaster Failover Contact Number In the event of an unforeseen outage (power/broadband), what phone number should the main company number be diverted to? Whose number is this? Landline or cell phone? LandlineCell phone Porting - Area Codes & Existing Phone Lines (Port or Cancel) What is the customer's Default Area Code (where the StarBox is being installed)? For outbound Caller ID, should the main company number be displayed for all outbound calls? YesNo List or attach a list of customer voice lines to be either ported or canceled List or attach a list of customer fax lines (StarFax optional) to be either ported or canceled List or attach a list of all analog phone lines/numbers that will NOT be ported (these analog lines maybe used for alarm circuits, elevator phones, PC modems, credit card machines, or mailing machine connections) Δ