Digital representation
We at Image Solutions, more than most, understand the value of what enables high quality scanning systems. We work with the very best manufacturers in the industry to offer products to meet you unique business requirements with scanners.
Some examples of our image capture solutions include (but are not limited to):
- eCopy scan stations
- Add-on scanning devices to an existing multifunctional printer
- Stand-alone desktop scanners
- Archive while you print systems (Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD))
Software Solutions
Image Solutions does not limit itself to selling scanner hardware. We also represent a range of smart business document management and archiving software to facilitate and extend the functionality and operational use of your scanners.
By using intelligent business solutions software for document management in conjunction with our state of the art scanners, documents can be preserved in high definition digital format, and archived with automation implemented by our software solutions for easy retrieval.
Our scanners and accompanying software can also enable direct electronic communication of scanned documents, both locally and remotely. This ability will help to reduce print and communication costs, while maintaining high fidelity of the original document and increasing productivity.
Security goes beyond the desktop. Every device in your office needs to be implemented with security in mind. Higher-End Scanners provided by Image Solutions also incorporate security facilities, such as to restricted access to scanned documents and certain functionality to protect unauthorized access and facilitate regulatory compliance.
Image Solutions offers unrivaled, complete scanner solutions to provide you with the high-quality scanners and intelligent software to improve your workflow.